Monday, 6 October 2014


Signs and Symptoms of Mild Autism in Children

Posted By : Anonymous | Monday, 6 October 2014 first to comment!
Autism in children needs to be recognized as soon as possible to apply appropriate care and support for the child. Defining the signs and symptoms of autism can be complicated which should apply immediate care and treatment. What is autism and what are its causes, signs and symptoms?
Signs and Symptoms of Mild Autism in Children

Autism is a disorder of the neural development that commonly characterized by impaired social interaction, communication and a very uncommon behavior. Signs of autism begins before the age of three that affects the child's capability of memory processing, which are caused by the altered nerve cells. The main cause is still unknown but experts believe that a particular damage to the brain in prenatal period is one of the main cause of autism. Other factors includes the following.

  1. Family history (genes)autism in children
  2. Metabolic disorders
  3. Immune intolerance
  4. Perinatal anoxia (stress)
  5. Viral agents

Once these problems occur, the distinctive pattern of autism becomes more evident during the process of growth. Today, experts suggests that impairments during a child's development is considered to be under the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders. Several factors are considered when diagnosing a suspected autism child which includes cognitive level, clinical traits, other medical conditions and the severity of autism symptoms.

Various autistic associations have suggests that one in a hundred people is autistic. The disease may be caused by gene factors that can be present from the time of a child's birth. This not necessarily mean that any emotional and mental development are apparent for months or even years time.

Any mental ability varies from different children and any learning difficulty doesn't mean that the child has higher probability to be autistic. Other cases suggests that other children who have average mental capacity can be also a victim of this disease. Any mild symptoms of odd behaviors and development disorders can be concluded as transient and a normal mental process.

Once a child is diagnosed to be autistic, specific interventions are needed immediately. Child with special needs must be treated accordingly before the impairment of mental development had gone to worst. This can help the child to learn different proper behaviors and may improve communication skills.

Autism is a mental disorder that leads to many capability disorders and abnormal behaviors. Early intervention by health experts and by parents as well, can greatly help improve long-term benefits for the child. If you suspect that your child is different from the others, you may consult your local health centers for immediate diagnosis and child care.
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