Sunday, 15 December 2013


Low Cost Virginia Health Insurance & Medical Insurance Plans by State

Posted By : Anonymous | Sunday, 15 December 2013 first to comment!
Low Cost Virginia Health Insurance
Low Cost Virginia Health Insurance & Medical Insurance Plans by State

For Adults

Don't have health insurance? Confused about your options under the Affordable Care Act? Help is at hand. Contact Enroll Virginia to get the answers and assistance you need to choose the right plan and get started.
This short video from The Commonwealth Institute, with the help of Consumers for Affordable Health Care, is an easy to understand explanation of how Virginians can get covered.

For the Newly Unemployed:

- Details on COBRA Continuation Coverage Assistance under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Actis available through the U.S. Department of Labor.

- Getting Covered: Finding Health Insurance When You Lose Your Job, helps people who’ve lost their health coverage sort through options for new coverage.

For Expectant Mothers:

- FAMIS MOMS provides health insurance for low income, uninsured pregnant women with incomes no more than 210% of the Federal Poverty Level.

- Medicaid for Pregnant Women provides health coverage for pregnant women of any age with whose family income is no more than 143% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).

For College Students and Young Adults

Full-time college students often are able to obtain low-cost health insurance coverage through their schools/universities. In addition with the passage of health reform, young adults can continue receiving coverage through their parents’ family policies until age 26.

Because young adults tend to be in good health, independent insurance policies often are much less costly than the same type of coverage for older adults, especially for policies with a high deductible.

Because no one can predict when they may become ill or injured, it is important for adults of all ages to obtain health insurance. Find out more about insurance options for students.

Virginia Insurance Counseling Program

Are you confused about what type of insurance you need, or whether you have enough insurance coverage? Are you having problems making sense of your medical bills? If so, the Virginia Department for the Aging (VDA) may be able to help you.

Individual insurance counseling assistance is available through the Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program (VICAP). VICAP counselors at your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) can help you resolve claims or billing problems. They can also assist you with filing for benefits, and sorting through complicated statements and notices. Trained VICAP counselors in communities across the state provide confidential assistance to individuals in their area free of charge.

To get in touch with a VICAP counselor in your area, contact your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) or contact the VDA.

View a map of Virginia to locate the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) that serves your community. View a complete list of Area Agency on Aging (AAAs), with contact information for each.

For more information on insurance, visit VICAP’s Publications and Links pages and look under the subject heading “Insurance”.


The Virginia Medicaid program covers a broad range of services with nominal cost sharing for some of the beneficiaries as permitted under federal law. To be eligible, you must be able to meet financial requirements and meet the criteria for one of these four groups:
Medically Indigent Children and Pregnant Women
Low Income Families and Children
Aged, Blind and Disabled
Long-Term Care

Medicaid is not set up to provide health coverage for most adults. Qualifying for coverage is limited to very specific groups and circumstances. For more information on Virginia Medicaid, see Virginia Medicaid Program: At a Glance. In addition, your local Department of Social Services office can provide you with help if you need assistance completing your Medicaid application.
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